This section is about the problems that couples face during their relationship. it talks about the common problems and how to overcome them.
A lot of people start to feel like they are in a relationship with someone who is not right for them, and they don’t know what to do. The first step is to remind yourself that these couple problems are temporary. you will get through this rough patch, but you need to be patient and work at it.
It is not always easy to find the time to spend with your partner. It is important that you make the most of the time you do have with them. Here are some ways that couples can boost their productivity in their relationship.
1) spend at least 20 minutes a day talking about things other than work or home life.
2) spend at least one hour a week doing something just for fun together – for example with tantra!
3) share your thoughts and feelings about work, kids, home life and other personal topics without blaming each other for what’s going on, using open couple communication.
4) create a list of goals for each of you separately, then compare and discuss what they mean for both of you as a couple.
5) take turns planning date nights and making sure they’re scheduled in
Stress is inevitable in life, but it can have a negative impact on our relationships.
Here are five ways to tackle stress that is impacting your relationship:
1. recognize that stress is a part of life.
2. take care of yourself first and foremost.
3. make time for your significant other.
4. find ways to destress together, such as tantra, yoga or meditation classes, walks in nature, or simply taking a break from your routine for some quality time together without distractions like phones or tv.
5. learn how to manage your stress levels by practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques together with your partner so that you can avoid the vicious cycle of fight-or-flight response when you encounter stressful situations in the future
Tantra is a spiritual practice which aims at uniting the male and female aspects of oneself. Tantra teaches that we are all part of the divine, and that if we can learn to see everything as divine, then it becomes easier to understand our own true nature. Couple problems can be solved by practicing tantra. It helps couples with their relationship by making them more open to each other. Tantra also helps couples get rid of their inhibitions and live life on the edge.
In tantra, a couple works to find a balance in their sexual energies. One person actively and intentionally tries to invoke the divine in their body and mind; the other person provides support by focusing on one’s breathing and slowly releasing tensions. The divine is present in everything, so as partners get more and more comfortable with interrupting their normal pattern of breathing and sexual energy, they are able to invite the divine into their body.
love-tantra is committed to helping couples find the happiness and satisfaction they want in their relationships. The site offers articles, videos and other resources to help lead couples on a journey of self discovery, sexual fulfill ment and emotional understanding.
love-tantra guides couples to achieve their happiness and satisfaction.
Come with us! Ana & Dennis
All lectures and practice are available in English or German language!
“Pay more attention to your happiness”