Couple problems – Marriage problems – Relationship problems

How can we help?

couple problems and how to address them

Arrive at the topic first and read about important tips and tricks for a more loving partnership...
...or we'll take you straight to this in-depth couples course of ancient Tantra-inspired practices, meditations and breathing techniques that will bring back your sensuality and intimacy to your partner!

Couple problems and how to deal with a lack of love with your partner

Remind yourself that these couple problems are temporary

This section is about the problems that couples face during their relationship. it talks about the common problems and how to overcome them.

A lot of people start to feel like they are in a relationship with someone who is not right for them, and they don’t know what to do. The first step is to remind yourself that these couple problems are temporary. you will get through this rough patch, but you need to be patient and work at it.

How can you boost your relationship?

Couple problems solve tantra courses

5 ways couples can boost their relationship productivity

It is not always easy to find the time to spend with your partner. It is important that you make the most of the time you do have with them. Here are some ways that couples can boost their productivity in their relationship.

1) spend at least 20 minutes a day talking about things other than work or home life.

2) spend at least one hour a week doing something just for fun together – for example with tantra!

3) share your thoughts and feelings about work, kids, home life and other personal topics without blaming each other for what’s going on, using open couple communication.

4) create a list of goals for each of you separately, then compare and discuss what they mean for both of you as a couple.

5) take turns planning date nights and making sure they’re scheduled in

How to manage relationship stress?

relationship problems solve with tantra classes

5 ways to tackle adult stress that is impacting your relationship

Stress is inevitable in life, but it can have a negative impact on our relationships.

Here are five ways to tackle stress that is impacting your relationship:

1. recognize that stress is a part of life.

2. take care of yourself first and foremost.

3. make time for your significant other.

4. find ways to destress together, such as tantra, yoga or meditation classes, walks in nature, or simply taking a break from your routine for some quality time together without distractions like phones or tv.

5. learn how to manage your stress levels by practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques together with your partner so that you can avoid the vicious cycle of fight-or-flight response when you encounter stressful situations in the future

How can tantra help with couple problems?

tantra couple online retreat

Tantra is a spiritual practice which aims at uniting the male and female aspects of oneself. Tantra teaches that we are all part of the divine, and that if we can learn to see everything as divine, then it becomes easier to understand our own true nature. Couple problems can be solved by practicing tantra. It helps couples with their relationship by making them more open to each other. Tantra also helps couples get rid of their inhibitions and live life on the edge.

In tantra, a couple works to find a balance in their sexual energies. One person actively and intentionally tries to invoke the divine in their body and mind; the other person provides support by focusing on one’s breathing and slowly releasing tensions. The divine is present in everything, so as partners get more and more comfortable with interrupting their normal pattern of breathing and sexual energy, they are able to invite the divine into their body.

How can help with couple problems?

love-tantra is committed to helping couples find the happiness and satisfaction they want in their relationships. The site offers articles, videos and other resources to help lead couples on a journey of self discovery, sexual fulfill ment and emotional understanding.

love-tantra guides couples to achieve their happiness and satisfaction.

Come with us! Ana & Dennis

All you need for LOVE

Get a lot of insights about meditation, breathwork and tantra in one program – the new WE!

  • 10 hours of amazing classesLoving experiences to be enjoyed as a couple
  • FREE personal coaching session (90 mins)Private online support to make your whole experience even more profound
  • Now completely in English & GermanWe have recorded the complete course - now in english & german!
  • Videos of guided practices and meditationsRecordings of all the powerful practices and active meditations
  • Breathwork supportBreathing techniques to prepare you to get the most out of your learning
  • Theory worksheets of the practicesShort introduction and easy-to-follow explanations of each class

See how we work

The full course has 12 classes with 5 different lectures each. This is one lecture out of it:

What you get

You get 12 classes. Each with the following lectures:

  • Preparing-Lectures - How, where, how long
  • Theory-Lectures - Short but important lectures about how and what you are learning
  • Breathwork-Lectures - Specific breathing exercises to put your body and mind in the right mood
  • Practices - All the practices showed in beautiful guided videos
  • Integrate-Lectures - To reflect & integrate deeply your wonderful work

All lectures and practice are available in English or German language!

Still questions open? 🙂

Question and answer about the tantra online course

what are the main topics in this tantra online course?

In this course, you will learn the following:

  • the importance of love
  • the benefits of tantra pratice, breathwork and selflove
  • how to practice selflove & love to your partner
  • the different types of practices to get deeper inside you and your partner
  • how to solve realtionship & couple problems

Just start HERE today!

does this course show sexual content in the videos?

No, we do not show explicit sexual content and it does not need it. 🙂 But what comes out of it is a stronger connection – loving in daily life, and inspiring for a deeper sexual time together! 😉

This course is a wonderful partner journey into love and also sexuality. Using ancient Tantra teachings and practices it strengthens the loving connection. In several of our exercises, it furthermore promotes sexual energy and desire! It is about fun, more depth and love.

what is tantra and why start with tantra practice?

Tantra is an ancient Indian spiritual tradition that focuses on the energy of life and the body. The practice of tantra was developed to help people explore their own consciousness and spirituality through meditation, ritual, and yoga.

Tantric practices are based on the belief that human beings share a divine energy with the universe. The goal of tantric practice is to awaken this divine energy in oneself so as to experience life more fully. Tantra teaches that all aspects of one’s life are connected, including sexuality, so it encourages people to explore their sexual lives in order to live more fully and find greater satisfaction.

a little bit more about the history of tantra?

Tantra is a sanskrit word which means “woven together”. Tantra is an ancient Indian sacred tradition with roots in hinduism and buddhism. It includes meditation, yoga, and rituals that are all aimed at transforming the mind and body to create a higher state of awareness.

Tantric practices can be traced back to the vedic era of India, which was about 1500 years ago. The tantric tradition has been passed down from generation to generation through oral traditions in India until it reached its present form in the 20th century.

The word tantra is derived from two sanskrit words: tanoti meaning ‘to weave’ and trai meaning ‘to liberate’ or ’emancipate’.

It is based on the idea that human beings are composed of five elements:

– earth, water, fire, air and space.

– each person has a “life energy” called “prana” which can be drawn from one of these elements.

– tantric practices aim to bring balance to these elements and prana by focusing on the flow of energy through the body.

Tantra is also about giving pleasure and receiving pleasure as well as being able to communicate with your partner in a way that best suits them.

what are the benefits of tantra?

Tantra is a set of spiritual practices or techniques that are used to transform sexual energy into a spiritual energy.

Tantra is one of the oldest and most powerful spiritual practices in the world. It has been around for thousands of years and it is still popular today. Tantra has helped people achieve enlightenment, balance their chakras, and enhance their spirituality.

Moreover, tantra is also very beneficial to health because it helps people release stress and tension, improve their sexual performance, increase libido and make them feel more relaxed.

It’s important to mention that tantra can be practiced by anyone regardless of gender or sexuality. It’s also a great way for couples to explore togetherness outside of the bedroom.

how does tantra help and improve my relationship?

Tantra is a spiritual practice that has been known to help people in many ways. It can specialy improve your relationship with your partner, enhance your sexual experience, and make you more confident. Tantra is a spiritual practice that has been known to help people in many ways. Tantra can improve your relationship with your partner, enhance your sexual experience, and make you more confident.


Get all these loving practices, meditations, lectures and coaching and enjoy a new sensuality and intimacy with your partner!

our faith

we believe in the power of tantra

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feel yoursel

our classes work always with the biggest destination of your self-love, inner growth and happiness

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feel your partner

rediscover each other and bring back the sensuality and sexuality in your relationship


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school of love

love-tantra offers you the ancient eastern techniques of tantra in a modern western way

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live the tantric way

love-tantra gives you the knowledge to enhance your love energy and bring tantra to your daily life 


thank you for your trust & love
  • The Tantra online course by Ana and Dennis goes straight to the heart and has given us wonderful moments of connection. The exercises are guided in the videos with so much calm and love, which really feels so good…

    love tantra logo
  • This online course gave us so many wonderful hours of togetherness, exploring our own sensations and bodies, as well as discovering our partner and the connection between us.

    love tantra logo
    Sassandra und Klaus-P
  • Thank you for being there. Your exercises are so good and my wife and I do them again and again… All the best, luck and health to both of you. ❤️

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“Pay more attention to your happiness”

osho about love & tantra

Tantra Online Course

The new WE

In this profound tantra course with several love practices, meditations and lectures you will enjoy your sensuality and intimacy with your partner! Start a life full of love - now.